Time Scale 1 |
10+ billion to 1 billion years ago |
“From Nothing to Everything” The Origins of the Universe, the Solar System, Earth, and Life |
Time Scale 2 |
1 billion to 100 million years ago |
“Animal House” The Cambrian Explosion of Animal Life and Its Aftershocks |
Time Scale 3 |
100 million to 10 million years ago |
“Meek Inheritors” The Dinosaur Extinction and the Rise of Mammals |
Time Scale 4 |
10 million to 1 million years ago |
“Hominins, Upstanding Apes” The Rise of Hominins, the Role of Rock, and Food for Thought |
Time Scale 5 |
1 million to 100,000 years ago |
“Becoming Human” The Rise of Homo sapiens and our Neandertal cousins |
Time Scale 6 |
100,000 to 10,000 years ago | “The Creative Explosion” The Rise of Language, Symbolism, Religion, Art, and Music |
Time Scale 7 |
10,000 to 1,000 years ago |
“From Farm to City” The Neolithic and Urban Revolutions and Their Consequences |
Time Scale 8 |
1,000 to 100 years ago |
“Ages of Enlightenment” From the Dark Ages of Superstition to the Scientific Revolution |
Time Scale 9 |
100 to 10 years ago |
“Modern Times” The Last Century, Laying the Foundations to the World We Live In |
Time Scale 10 |
The last ten years | “The Age of Connections” The Past Decade of Innovations and Their Implications |